Dear parish family and friends of St. Julia, Every Sunday when we gather for Mass, we are reminded of the greatest of the commandments on our banners adorning our sanctuary here at St. Julia. Love God. Love people. They truly are inseparable. These two commandments summarize all of the laws given to us in Sacred Scripture. The commandments deal with our relationship with God and then our relationship with others. The one flows out of the other. We need a right relationship with our God. Without this right relationship, our other relationships will not be right either. The cause of so many of our problems, and perhaps even the world's problems, is that we need to be reconciled with God. How can we love our neighbour as ourselves if we do not first love God, with all our heart, mind, and soul. Our best efforts at peace will fail as long we are living in unrest against God. So, where does it begin? It begins with us. Each and every day we have numerous opportunities to show this love: in our homes, places of work, our schools, to the poor and marginalized – everywhere. From there it spreads. May God bless each of you and those that you love, Fr. Greg Comments are closed.
AuthorFrom Our Pastor Archives
July 2024