holy orders
“Holy Orders is the sacrament through which the mission entrusted by Christ to His apostles continues to be exercised in the Church until the end of time: thus it is the sacrament of apostolic ministry. It includes three degrees: episcopate, presbyterate and diaconate.” (CCC – 1536)
The sacrament of Holy Orders is administered by the Bishop of the Diocese. Men who are single and preparing for priesthood will have completed a university degree and four years of theological training. These men will be ordained as Transitional Deacons approximately six months prior to ordination to the priesthood.
Married men may apply for the Permanent Diaconate and will undertake a four year part-time formation program prior to ordination. Priests and Deacons have differing roles in the Diocese. Priests will usually be assigned to administering a parish. Permanent Deacons will be assigned to minister to those who are separated from the community by crime, poverty, age, illness or confinement, ministering in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Prisons or on the streets.
Any man interested in Priesthood should contact the Vocations Director at the Catholic Centre. (905-684-0154) - Any man interested in the Permanent Diaconate should contact the Office of the Permanent Diaconate at the Catholic Centre. (905-684-0154)
Married men may apply for the Permanent Diaconate and will undertake a four year part-time formation program prior to ordination. Priests and Deacons have differing roles in the Diocese. Priests will usually be assigned to administering a parish. Permanent Deacons will be assigned to minister to those who are separated from the community by crime, poverty, age, illness or confinement, ministering in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Prisons or on the streets.
Any man interested in Priesthood should contact the Vocations Director at the Catholic Centre. (905-684-0154) - Any man interested in the Permanent Diaconate should contact the Office of the Permanent Diaconate at the Catholic Centre. (905-684-0154)