We are using the six transformational pillars of Worship, Learning, Service, Almsgiving, Fellowship and Evangelization to focus our conversations about how to create, nurture and sustain a vibrant parish community. The descriptions for each pillar were informed by the content in the Parish Pastoral Council Study Series, Participant Workbook and Guide, published by the Diocese of St. Catharines.
WORSHIP Healthy parishes offer vibrant and transformative liturgies that lift our hearts and bring us into an encounter with Jesus, leading us to a deeper surrender to his will.
LEARNING Healthy parishes equip parishioners with the information and skills to grow in spiritual maturity and live out their baptismal call more effectively in our world.
SERVICE Healthy parishes offer opportunities for parishioners to use their God-given gifts to selflessly build up the Kingdom of God, both within the parish and in outreach to communities in need.
ALMSGIVING Healthy parishes encourage parishioners to share their financial and material resources in support of the parish as well as local, national and international appeals for assistance.
FELLOWSHIP Healthy parishes welcome each person into a sense of community where they are known and supported in their call to holiness, deliberately fostering authentic friendships that create opportunities to live life more fully as Catholic Christians.
EVANGELIZATION Healthy parishes actively seek to create the conditions for a transformational encounter with Jesus in order to gather new disciples to Him.
Identified Priorities for 2024-2025
Since November 2023, our PPC meetings have focused on how we might enrich four of the six areas of parish life, notably worship, learning, service and fellowship. We generated and received numerous suggestions on how we might do this and narrowed it down to these four priorities:
Establish a pastoral visitation program for the homebound and bereaved,
Host regular faith study opportunities throughout the year,
Explore a dedicated, contemporary mass for youth engagement, and
Update the parish registration form to capture parishioner interests, gifts and talents so we can better minister to the needs of all we serve
We’ve identified our collective vision for each of these priorities, some questions that merit further thought and considered how we might measure our success. We are now establishing working groups of individuals who have both passion and expertise in these priority areas; individuals who will more fully explore the feasibility of implementing these ideas and develop the structure needed for their success.
Email either the Council Chair, Dianne Coppola at [email protected] or Council Vice-Chair John Bylhouwer at [email protected] if you are interested in helping out with the next phase of planning or assisting with implementation. Thank you for contributing to a caring, inclusive community here at St. Julia and may God bless you abundantly, today and always.