The St. Julia Parish Pastoral Council (SJPPC) is a consultative body whose primary purpose is to work alongside the Pastor to discern the ongoing pastoral needs of the parish and establish priorities for action. Council members will utilize their unique knowledge, skills and gifts to provide thoughtful, informed advice, guidance and assistance to the Pastor on issues pertaining to the spiritual health and growth of the Parish and its parishioners. Discussions and any undertakings shall be informed by prayerful reflection and focused primarily on the six pillars of transformative change: Worship, Learning, Service, Almsgiving, Fellowship and Evangelization.
Membership is open to all registered parishioners of St. Julia Roman Catholic Church and individuals participating regularly in Parish activities. Council members are not appointed or elected and choose to participate and contribute based on their interests and availability. We invite you to join us and help us shape a dynamic and active faith community.
Meetings will be held every other month in the Divinity Room and shall last not more than two hours. Meeting agendas and materials shall be posted on the website and/or in the parish newsletter not less than one week in advance of the meeting. Upcoming Meetings 2024: Tuesday, May 14, 2024.