Dear parish family and friends of St. Julia, When I get up in the morning I pray for a H.P.P.P. day. Holy. Pleasant. Productive. Peaceful. First I pray for a Holy Day. We are all called to holiness, and that is my prayer for myself and all those entrusted to my care. That is each one of you. I pray that my words, deeds, and actions are holy and are reflective of the live I want to live. Think of Jesus right there beside you. Are the words that I speak appropriate for Jesus to hear? Do they build others up? Are my actions appropriate? Is what I am watching or streaming appropriate and helping me in living a holy life? Sometimes I succeed, other times I can do better. Next I pray for a Pleasant day. A sense of happy satisfaction or enjoyment. To be able to say at the end of the day "that was a pleasant day" is a gift from God. Next is Productive. It is said that people who makes their bed in the morning are more productive. Google it. Bed-makers were more than twice as likely to be satisfied with their jobs and almost 20 percent more likely to prioritize responsibilities over their desires and to be more productive in their free time. Even more importantly, people who make the bed get more sleep (over 2.5 hours more per week, on average). I feel better about myself when I've had a productive day. I will admit, some time on the couch is nice too. Last but not least is Peaceful. Peace is a gift and not to be taken for granted. It is what I want in my life and in my day, and it is what I want for everyone who walks out of the doors St. Julia. Praying for a holy, pleasant, productive, and peaceful day has the power to transform your life. Who can make all this possible? God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Each day is a gift. May your days be holy, pleasant, productive, and peaceful, and may God bless you. Fr. Greg Comments are closed.
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July 2024