Dear parish family and friends of St. Julia,
With the season of Christmas (it seems like a distant memory now) behind us, we return to Ordinary Time in the life of our church. Yet as Cardinal Dolan states so beautifully, every day is extraordinary, a gift from God. And that it indeed is. Once again woven into our readings this weekend is the theme of God speaking to us. How does God speak to us? Through Sacred Scripture and through one another, for Christ dwells in each one of us, in the temple of our hearts. This becomes more richly evident to us when we pause and reflect, and count our blessings. This sounds so very simple, yet it brings us back to the basics and reminds us what it truly important. Faith. Our relationship with Jesus Christ. Family, and the connection to those with us here on earth and those who have journeyed to eternal life. The power and importance of prayer. Countless reminders that God is with us, and that we are followers of Christ and people of hope. Everyday God desires to pour out grace and mercy upon each of us. In the ordinary. Be sure to take the time to count your blessings today, and every day. May God bless you and those that you love. Thank you for being a blessing in my life. United in prayer, your friend in Christ, Fr. Greg Comments are closed.
AuthorFrom Our Pastor Archives
July 2024