Dear parish family and friends of St. Julia,
Ukraine's sunflowers are a national symbol and a major crop for the country. Ukraine is in fact one of the world's biggest producers and exporters of the pantry staple - sunflower oil. In March of this, Food & Wine wrote "Sunflowers, which are the national flower of Ukraine, have grown in the country since the mid-1700s. According to MIR Corp, a travel company that specializes in eastern European destinations, sunflower oil became increasingly popular in Ukraine because the Orthodox Church did not restrict its use during Lent. (Orthodox church members weren't supposed to cook with butter or lard between Ash Wednesday and Easter.) As a result, fields of sunflowers became more widespread, and sunflower seeds became an in-demand snack." At a recent funeral reception hosted by our C.W.L. in the Divinity Room, sunflowers adorned the tables, making for a very welcoming and powerful first impression. Sunflowers have been planted in our lower gardens, now over 7 feet tall, and will soon be in full bloom. In Ephesians 5:9 we read: ”The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, justice and truth." Just as sunflower flowers produce oil, the believer who sets her or his sights on God shows her or his characters of goodness, righteousness and truth. May we continue to pray for the people of Ukraine and Russia. May we seek the intercession of our Blessed Mother for peace in our world. May we, as believers and disciples of Christ set our sights on God, and like sunflowers, produce fruit and reveal the characteristics of goodness, righteousness, and truth. During these warm summer days, may your summer continue to be filled with God's blessings, and may your flower and vegetable gardens yield a bountiful harvest. Keep safe, and may God bless each of you and those that you love. Fr. Greg Comments are closed.
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July 2024