Dear parish family and friends of St. Julia, As we begin a new month, there is no shortage of people and things to pray for. In a special way, in this month dedicated to our Blessed Mother Mary and the Rosary, we have a most powerful tool at our fingertips and an intercessor we can turn to who will take our prayers and petitions to her son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. This weekend we welcome our Confirmation candidates and their families from our parish to our 5:00 p.m. Mass. I met with these youth from our parish and their parents a week ago, discussing the beauty of this Sacrament and the power of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit they will receive this November. We need to pray for these youth, as this is an important year for them in their faith journey. This past week I met with the seven-year-old children from our parish family and their parents as they prepare to encounter Christ in the Sacrament of Reconciliation this fall and First Communion next May. May the joy in the eyes of these children and the excitement of receiving Jesus for the first time – and we pray 1000’s of times after, set the faith of their parents on fire – or reignite the faith if that may be the case. We need to pray for these children and their families. Our new initiative at Denis Morris Catholic High School is slowly gaining traction. Cassi Werkman, our new Youth Leader, will join the Grade 9's on their retreat next Wednesday, and the Grade 12's on their retreat after Thanksgiving to discuss how putting Christ at the center of her life has truly transformed her life. Her testimony I pray with touch the hearts of these youth. Cassi will also visit the classrooms of the Grade 10's and 11's. Her invitation will lead to the Discovery Faith Study during the two lunch periods here in our Divinity Room, and the vision, a youth group in the evening. We thank Cassi for giving so generously of her time. We need to pray for these youth and their families. We need to pray for those who are sick. I am currently journeying with a number of people facing a cancer diagnosis, one twice my age, another person my age, whose cancer has returned, and another, ten years younger than myself. May their encounter with Christ in the Sacrament of the Anointing of Sick bring them comfort, strength, help, healing, and peace. We need to pray for all those facing illness and for their families. Last but not least, we need to pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and diaconate, and that more men desire to encounter Christ in the Sacrament of Holy Orders. We will launch a Men's Discernment group here at St. Julia that will meet monthly, with details in this newsletter. Come Holy Spirit! Blessed Mother, please intercede for us. Loving God, hear these our prayers. Please know of my prayers for each of you and all your intentions, and may God continue to bless each of you and those that you love. I look forward to seeing you at Mass this weekend. United in prayer, Fr. Greg Comments are closed.
AuthorFrom Our Pastor Archives
July 2024