Well, just like that, it is full steam ahead! The summer break is behind us, and the youth from our parish and community are back in school. Amen! This is where they need to be for their mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. We pray for their ongoing safety in the midst of the pandemic. I’ve already been in Denis Morris Catholic High School and very soon will be being celebrating weekly Mass for each class at St. Peter Catholic Elementary School on a rotation. There is no substitute for in person visits and being in the classrooms. I pray that these be very special and memorable times for both the students, the youth of our parish, and myself.
In our Gospel from Mark this weekend we will hear Jesus ask the question to his disciples, “Who do you say that I am?” Jesus goes on to tell his friends that He must suffer. Then we have this scene where Peter takes Jesus aside rebuking him for speaking like that. His closest followers found it difficult to accept that Jesus would suffer – and die. Jesus makes it clear that we must follow Him in suffering and death, and that we must deny ourselves. Here is yet another one of those opportunities and challenges that I always speak of. We are in when it comes to the happy stuff, praying to Jesus and gathering to worship Him. But to suffer and die… Everyday God puts remarkable people in our lives. We all know them, and I have had the honour and privilege of visiting them and bringing the sacraments to them. These people, these members of our parish family and friends, are suffering. What so many times amazes me is how grounded they are in their faith, some so inspiring that I leave my visit in absolute awe. “Who do you say that I am?” For these women and men of faith, they would say “My Lord and My Saviour,” and that they place their complete trust in their Lord and God. May we pray for all those who suffer as they unite their suffering with that of Christ, and may we as disciples, be instruments of hope and of Christ’s love. May God continue to bless each of you and those that you love, and I look forward to seeing you at Mass this weekend. Fr. Greg Comments are closed.
AuthorFrom Our Pastor Archives
July 2024